Ayelet Oryan-Godard

Kornit Digital

We need leaders that can dream up sustainable fashion, drive industry-level change, and shape a culture of innovation, speed, inclusion and empowerment, Leaders that know how to manage the meaning, leaders that create trust and value, leaders that values and care are part of their leadership strengths.

I’m proud to take part in this Journey and to focus on developing such competencies. Industry 4.0 opens for an amazing opportunity of global empowerment where every person can be part of the creator community and express their talent, identity and impact. Building the platform that can enable ongoing creation and collaboration on such scale, where every person can express themselves and shine, where the right value and impact opportunities are present, is the key mission. I am excited to take part in such an important and exciting journey and I hope that I can achieve with my partners to the Journey the mindset change and impact.

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